The Erasmus+ programme continues to develop - and with it the internationality at FH Salzburg. At the beginning of the year, FH Salzburg was once again approved to participate in the Erasmus+ programme for the next seven years. The FH Salzburg convinced with an "excellent application" and as a "good practice example" in the implementation of the new priorities of the programme.

The successful recertification confirms the orientation of our activities at the FH Salzburg. We are pleased about the extremely positive evaluation by the European Commission. The interest in international cooperation is also unbroken in the Corona period. Ultimately, internationality always creates concrete added value on an individual, institutional and overall societal level," confirms Teresa Rieger, Head of the International Office.
The new Erasmus+ programme remains a joint programme for education, youth and sport, but it also brings some new features. Three priorities will be set in the following programme period: Digitisation, Additional options for programme use and thus more mobility, as well as Inclusion and Sustainability.
1. Digitalisation
An "Erasmus without paper" is the goal of the European Commission. It is to be achieved through an Erasmus+ App and the switch to the complete online handling of mobilities by 2027. An "Erasmus+ Dashboard" will be introduced and will serve as the "control centre" for all participating institutions and the Erasmus+ App. In a further step, the inter-institutional agreements will be managed electronically in addition to the learning agreements. A digital European Student Card will simplify the unique identification of students and access to participating higher education institutions.
By 2023, all processes should be digitalised and implemented by all stakeholders within an organisation, i.e. not only the International Office but also the International Coordinators.
2. Programme utilisation and more mobility
In the current situation, the new possibility of a "Blended Intensive Programme" stands out above all. It consists of a combination of physical and virtual learning elements and focuses on interdisciplinarity. The prerequisite is the participation of at least three higher education institutions from at least three programme countries. Students receive ECTS credits for participation. The main aim is to strengthen European "neighbourhoods" as well as already existing partnerships.
Erasmus worldwide
Erasmus+ mobility will also become even more international: target destinations can be Erasmus+ partner countries worldwide from 2021. This applies to study visits and internships, teaching and training for university staff as well as outgoing and incoming students. This development means significant planning security for international partnerships.
Mobility with partner countries: Project track KA107
The Erasmus+ programme KA107 enables the expansion of student and staff mobility to countries outside the EU (so-called partner countries) and has become an extremely important area for the FH Salzburg in recent years. KA107 partnerships not only remain in place, the budget for the cooperations has also been tripled at the FH Salzburg. This decision by the EU is also due to the professional and sustainable handling of the KA 107 projects in recent years.
The priority countries for the next 3 years are Namibia, Israel, Malaysia (new), Georgia and South Africa (new). With many of these countries, important partnerships for research, teaching and further education have existed for years (for example, the opportunity to complete an Erasmus+ internship).
3 Inclusion & Sustainability
The third area of the new programme strand strengthens the themes of inclusion and sustainability. It should be possible for everyone to complete a stay abroad. There will be a lot of development work here in the next few years. Projects that have to do with the climate and the environment will also be promoted. In addition, a "green(re)n" programme is being considered. CO2-friendly means of transport are to be promoted through higher subsidies for travel costs.